
This site is a chronicle of stories and reflections through the lens of bicycling (and other outdoor activities) - from racing, training, travel, [absurd] adventures, pursuit of knowledge, flagrant self-promotion, and habits to overcome tendencies towards personal entropy...a digression for your own adventure inspiration and reading pleasure...an ever-evolving practice of making the good things a part of the system.
PC: Paris Gore

Adventure & Endurance Athlete for Kona Bicycles (along with ClifBarStages Cycling, and SuperFeet) 

Based in Bellingham, Washington 

Racing mountain bikes since age 12  

College educated at Middlebury College  

Working in renewable energy industry since 2008

Launched coaching business in 2016 

6x US National Team Member 

2x Olympic Long Team Member  

...being there to be there...
PC: Blake Jorgenson

PC: Blake Jorgenson

PC: Brian Leddy